It is common for us to create symbols to represent what we still cannot know. However, with Uakari many of the images about the Amazon can materialize in front of you. Meet some of them in the article of the month.

When we think of the Amazon, several images come to our mind that remind us of what can be found among its forests.
These symbols can be about animals, about plants, about communities, about the culture of these people, among infinite possibilities (which each one will have inside their heads).
In this article we list what can come out of your imagination and materialize in front of you!
Many of these images you can see in Uakari Lodge and their experiences.
The Boto (Inia geoffrensis).
Many who visit Uakari Lodge are surprised by the number of river dolphins that can be seen in the Mamirauá Reserve. Your breaths of air during breathing announce your passage.
They are known to be friendly and highly intelligent creatures.
The relationship of these animals with humans is the closest, resulting in legends, sayings and folklore. The most popular version is that of the party boto, the gallant of balls. A handsome, thin man, dressed in white clothes and wearing a hat to cover the hole in his head (a remnant of his cetacean version). At nightfall, he leaves the river to seduce riverside women.
However, human interference in the cetaceans' habitat can harm the species' way of life and make them aggressive among themselves, in competition for the food offered by visitors.

Foto: Wezzdy del Toro.
The Jaguar
It is the third largest feline in the world, after the tiger and the lion, and the largest in the American continent. The jaguar is part of the mythology of several Native American cultures, including the Maya, Aztecs and Guarani. They carry the national symbology, representing the strength of our environment.
Through the Jaguar Expedition, you can see both jaguars and black jaguars.
They inhabit the treetops for a few months of the year, as the entire area of the conservation unit is flooded during one time of the year - a characteristic of the floodplain forest that makes up Mamirauá.

The Victoria Régia or Jaçanã (Victoria amazonica).
It is an aquatic plant typical of the Amazon region.
The shape of its leaf resembles an oven for making manioc flour, which justifies its names like "forno" and "forno-de-jaçanã". The English called it Victoria in honor of Queen Victoria, when the German explorer in the service of the British Crown, Robert Hermann Schomburgk, took its seeds to the gardens of an English palace.
It is used as a sacred leaf in the rituals of Afro-Brazilian culture, where it is called "oxibatá". The juice extracted from its roots is used by the Indians as a black hair dye.
The rhizome, seeds, and petioles (leaf stalks) are edible, being considered a PANC (Non-Conventional Food Plants). The flower can reach 30 cm in diameter, being the largest flower in America. It exudes a sweet fragrance that can be felt at night when it opens.

Foto: Acervo da Uakari Lodge.
The Big Snake
Legend has it that, in the Mamirauá region, there is a very large snake that, nothing more, nothing less, lives under the Uakari Lodge!
Many have already been lucky enough to see the snake with about 2m in circumference moving.
Who knows, when you visit us, she might show a little of her charm?

Foto: Portal Amazônia.
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