Since September, 55 cities in Amazonas have been in an emergency situation and several animals have died as a result of the fires and an extreme drought in rivers caused by rampant deforestation and enhanced by climate change.

Foto: Miguel Monteiro.
The Amazon is in an emergency situation in 55 states.
Since September 23rd, more than a hundred pink river dolphins and tucuxis, among other fish, have appeared dead in Tefé lake (near Uakari Lodge).
There was an emergency mobilization to save the animals that are still in the lake, as well as searching and collecting carcasses, collecting samples for disease and water analysis. We have teams dedicated to monitoring live animals and monitoring the lake's waters.
The main hypothesis is that the cause is related to drought (dry period) and the high temperature of Lake Tefé (which in some points is exceeding the 39ºC mark), heightened by a rampant forest fires + increase in the temperature of the Atlantic Ocean + climate crisis.
Water, so important to Amazonian life, was recommended to be avoided for consumption and recreational use.
Grief has accompanied us, but we know that we should not normalize these environmental disasters, and fight against the climate changeis urgent.
Grab your coffee and let's reflect on what we need to do NOW to postpone the end of the world?
“The idea that the world is ending is a great excuse for us to do nothing, it is easier for us to believe that the world we live in could end than for us to believe that we are capable of introducing changes in this world.”
Ailton Krenak

Foto: Miguel Monteiro.

The subsistence of most families living in the Amazon floodplain depends on fishing, and in this scenario, there is no possibility for them to work.
Civil society together with community leaders came together to provide support to over 5 thousand families in the Tefé National Forest, Amanã Sustainable Development Reserve and Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve.
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According to the 2023 report by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel, a UN body, on climate change), one of the main actions to combat climate change is to rethink the energy sector. Because it uses fossil fuels, such as oil and coal, it becomes the main responsible for gas emissions that cause global warming.
There must be participation not only from the government at the federal level, but mainly regional and municipal, for the implementation of renewable energy alternatives.

Another IPCC proposal for tackling climate change is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from industry and the transport system, switching to biofuels or creating a supply of electric vehicle fleets.
The federal government must support the financing of the sector, such as basic services, because the climate issue is also related to the health of the population.

This is an effort for national governance and for each citizen.
Urban planning and sectors such as construction, housing, sanitation and solid waste management are also important in combating climate change, as they contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and allow the population to adapt to climate change. impacts of climate change and its extreme effects.
Some examples already seen in some countries are: redesigning abandoned and/or unused spaces to create green areas, using parts of buildings and houses to be occupied by gardens (such as the more well-known "green roof" and "hanging gardens") , changing the types of construction materials and resettling populations living in risk areas.

According to data from 2022, of greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil, 49% are caused by changes in land use (which includes deforestation), another 25% comes from agriculture.
It is important to keep in mind that we can enable nature's resilience against the impacts of climate change, if there are measures to protect and conserve forests, freshwater and oceans, as stated by the IPCC.
Some of these possible measures are: forest management, reforestation and low-carbon agriculture - agroforests contribute to the maintenance of local biodiversity.
For large-scale implementation to occur, specialization from producers on the topic, financing and technology is necessary.
We are also talking about protecting biodiversity, by having as an alternative the demarcation of protected areas, both on land and marine reserves.

In the IPCC report, there are actions in the area of health that contribute to combating climate change, such as: strengthening health systems, improving programs related to climate-sensitive diseases (such as respiratory diseases, dengue fever and malaria) increasing access to drinking water , improve surveillance against extreme weather events, develop vaccines, expand access to mental health care.

According to the IPCC's proposals, there is a relationship between social and economic policies: the need for each country to create funds that finance the fight against climate-related crises.
With the support of these funds, it allows cities to adapt and recover more efficiently and less drastically.
We know that, as these are actions that are at the basis of the global climate crisis, we must make an effort to inform ourselves, monitor and demand the necessary changes. So that we can postpone/reduce the impacts of climate related disasters.