In February 2022, Uakari Lodge offers a gastronomic experience in partnership with Brasil Food Safaris

Amazon flavors are increasingly the order of the day throughout Brazil and the world. The quality of ingredients that only exist here, combined with their nutritional power and the rescue of Brazilian origins are today in restaurants across the country, and more and more people travel to the North of Brazil in search of original flavors and a truly Amazonian experience .
In Mamirauá, this trip around Amazonian cuisine becomes even richer: as it is a conservation unit formed entirely by lowland forest (in which the land is submerged for a few months of the year!) the ingredients here are unique; the way of planting, harvesting and storing food is governed by the rate of flooding in the forest), and the waters of the Solimões River create the perfect condition for fish and fruit to be even tastier and highly nutritious.

It is around this enormous wealth of local foods that our partners at Brasil Food Safaris have created a super special itinerary that combines the traditional knowledge of local ingredients with the power of their uses. And it will be here in Mamirauá that the third edition of this program will take place, which has already been led by the renowned Chef Paulo Machado and will now have Polliana Tomé, partner-owner of Food Safaris, leading this journey through the flavors of the Amazon River.
"This gastronomy trip to the Amazon aims to promote the food heritage of the peoples of the forest by leading a group interested in authentic culture and experiences. We have created a trip itinerary that should remain in the memory of participants as one of the most enchanting trips". Pollianna Thomé
Among the experiences that you will live here with us, this February, are the interaction with the riverside communities of Mamirauá and the preparation of manioc flour, fish and the traditional knowledge of the reserve's residents, who know the most diverse uses for food and medicinal purposes from the forest resources.
In addition, even before we arrive in Mamirauá, you will discover the most traditional public market in Manaus, capital of the state, in addition to experiencing a real haute cuisine moment at the Caxiri, a restaurant that combines local flavors with international techniques in a stunning setting: aside Teatro Amazonas.
Want to know what a food safari is like? Watch the video below and for more information contact Food Safaris here!
Credits: Food Safaris